Hot domestic water heater with integrated water-water heat pump (booster)

HPWB (booster) hot domestic water heater with integrated water-water heat pump.

The high COP reflects the full performance of this technology. 
Using electrical energy, the water heater can of course only operate with green energy.

The water heater is often installed in rooms with limited surface area, such as the laundry room or garage.
The lateral position of the pipe connections meets this ergonomic requirement because it allows the storage tank to occupy a minimum of floor space and to be placed against the wall.
Furthermore, due to the absence of air intake pipes and fans, no holes in the wall are needed and the booster is very quiet.
The materials used as well as the insulation of the tank are of superior quality in order to offer thermal insulation of a very high level.

Hot domestic water heater with integrated water-water heat pump (booster)

Main features

  • Energy efficiency class A+++
  • High energy performance, COP up to 4,00
  • Compact size
  • Very low noise level due to the absence of fans
  • High reliability thanks to the stainless steel tank
  • Zero CO2 emissions when using clean energy
  • Easy management through a user-friendly display
  • Ideal integration with centralized low temperature HVAC systems, managed by R589HPW booster plates



  1. High performance water-water heat pump

  2. Stainless steel hot domestic water tank

  3. Electric resistance

  4. Integrated coil exchanger

  5. Insulation + polymer exterior finish

Hot domestic water heater with water-water heat pump

Typical application

Typical condominium application with centralized boiler room with low temperature heat pumps and R589HPW booster plates with HPWB booster inside the apartments.

Typical condominium application with centralized boiler room with low temperature heat pumps and R589HPW booster plates with HPWB booster inside the apartments.
Applicazione tipica HPWB


Hydronic unit (booster plate) 🇬🇧 | R589HPW, HPWB | GIACOMINI