Radiant hot/cold integrated applications with dehumidification or hybrid solutions combining radiant underfloor heating and cooling with fan coils, year round and for extreme climate contexts.
Modern life is increasingly lived between closed walls, whether at home or at work.
The desire we all have today is that the environment where we live, work or rest should be as comfortable and healthy as possible, the least wasteful but at the same time highly adaptable.
The recent pandemic and the current geopolitical context, fundamentally focused on energy sources, have greatly accelerated the process of overhauling the existing and future housing stock.
The ultimate solution cannot be left to the “do-it-yourself” approach, for several easily understandable reasons: complexity of the technological solutions available today; achievement of performance to which different devices, properly integrated in system logic, must compete; control of costs, both during installation but, above all, throughout the building life cycle; and guarantees for the end user.
Today residential stock needs to become increasingly efficient in order to achieve climate neutrality (EU 2050 Roadmap) through the electrification of the building sector: the use of heat pump technology will find wide diffusion, thanks to an unavoidable link with photovoltaics and storage.
For new all-electric systems, Giacomini’s full range of fan coils is aimed at maximizing comfort in residential buildings in intense summer conditions.
KFC-M is a ductable fan coil unit and multifan, which can be installed in a suspended ceiling and equipped with integrated multi-zone control.
Thanks to its versatility, KFC-M is the ideal solution for a perfect climate in every season, a compact and intelligent system that optimizes thermal comfort and available space, integrating into the environment with a minimum impact on available space, guaranteeing energy savings throughtout the year.
KFC-WD is a high-efficiency fan coil unit with a slim and compact exposed cabinet designed for low wall installation.
With a sleek and minimalistic design, KFC-WD is the highly silent solution that guarantees comfort at any time of the year.
It is a versatile and efficient system that optimizes available space while aesthetically pleasing décor and increasing the efficiency of the application.
KFC-WU is a fan coil unit with a slim and compact exposed element designed for high wall installation.
KFC-WU is the ideal solution for superior thermal comfort all year round.
Its extreme quietness is a major advantage that adds to its minimalist, streamlined design.
In addition, the high-wall installation makes it possible to optimize the use of space while leaving freedom in the placement of furniture.
KFC-F is a built-in underfloor fan coil unit ideal for very thermally exposed spaces.
The solution is designed for very large architectural settings with high summer solar radiation and subject to winter cold drafts.
With its quiet power, KFC-F neutralizes summer heat and winter cold through an air barrier.
The greater compactness compared to solutions already on the market decreases the installation footprint guaranteeing the same thermal output and comfort.