Making our way towards better sustainability: carpooling in Giacomini’s headquarters


Giacomini has started a carpooling project for its staff among a group of companies along Lake Orta (Italy).

From now on, all Giacomini staff who wish to join the carpooling community can use the app ‘JOJOB’ to configure the best combination to get to their workplace, thus making it very easy for everybody involved.

The project has been developed in collaboration with our local partner companies Cimberio, Paffoni, and F.lli Pettinaroli, creating the "Carpooling Lago d'Orta" community. Is, therefore, a shared effort also between more companies from the area in order to improve the overall life quality of the zone, for business employees and local area population.

With carpooling, there are tons of benefits. This will reduce the emissions from thermic cars, leading to a global energy saving, as less cars will be moving about on a daily basis. Furthermore, fewer cars also means more available parking, making it easier for carpoolers to find a free spot, thus all users are rewarded with more personal time.

Aiming to be a more sustainable company implies a great effort, with constant innovations in production and product design. But it is also based on implementing small steps in day-to-day actions aiming in this direction: carpooling is one of these small changes that can make a noticeable difference.

Sustainability at Giacomini

The carpooling project is part of a global strategy for a better sustainability at Giacomini. Lowering emissions of our staff when commuting is also a decrease in the carbon footprint of our activities.

Giacomini effort towards sustainability is not only through the production of better and more sophisticated solutions that are more efficient. Is also to look for measures to reduce our activities’ impact on the environment and to contribute to into it.

There’s no better place to be actively involved with it than at our headquarters, situated in San Maurizio d’Opaglio, in northern Italy, next to the Orta Lake. A beautiful scenery where Giacomini’s central offices and production plant use clean energy sources, like the 7.000m2 photovoltaic roof and the purchase of green only energy by request. There’s also a constant monitoring of atmosphere emissions, water drain and industrial waste during all times during manufacturing process.

Aiming to be a more sustainable company implies a great effort, with constant innovations in production and product design. But it is also based on implementing small steps in day-to-day actions aiming in this direction: carpooling is one of these small changes that can make a noticeable difference.

Certificated corporate quality

Giacomini’s effort in environment complies with the ISO 14001:2015 standard in both manufacturing plants at San Maurizio d’Opaglio and the one situated at Castelnuovo del Garda.

The fulfillment of this standard requisites also goes hand in hand with a policy for workplace health and safety in Giacomini. Having a cleaner environment has also a direct positive impact in the quality conditions of all the staff. In this way, Giacomini also complies with the ISO 45001:2018 for workplace conditions and the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard of corporate quality.